Thursday, August 16, 2007

Artsy - Dream

My sticker had expired on the truck, so I went to get it renewed. It turns out that I went on the wrong day. I am called out of line by this Highway Patrol Officer who asks me a few questions. I knew I was in trouble and did my best to hide it but he saw right through me. I ended up being sent to a different line which was at my high school.

My Neighbor is teaching an art class to many of my former classmates. They asked my why I was here. I said I had already renewed the sticker on my truck but I was told by the officer that I had to be in this line. I wasn’t sure why. I then said “But If I had not ended up in this line, I wouldn’t have been able to see my old classmates again. They all went “awe how sweet”.

The teacher handed out a picture that we had to copy but the lines were not detailed. I took it to a window so I could let the light shine through and trace the edges. One of the girl classmates joined me at the window, but then we couldn’t hear what the teacher was saying so we went back to our desks. That class ended and I wasn’t sure where to go next. It was just like every year of high school… lost for a week until I figured out where my classes were.

This nice man who was building a house in the Cayman Islands helped me find my next class. It was in a room where a bar was setup around 3 sides. They made me a cranberry drink and toasted a bagel. I don’t recall asking for any of this.

Then I woke Up.

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