Just about every day on my drive to and from work I see a cigarette butt get tossed out the window. It irks me to no end. Why can't they use an ashtray and dump those gross little mouth tirds in the trash where they belong?
NC has given me a way to report these litterbugs!
I use the voice recording feature of my mobile phone and record the Plate and location. Once a week ( or when I run out of space on my phone) I use the site above and report these do no gooders!
They supposedly get a nice letter from the State.
Does it do any good? Who knows, but I sure feel better about reporting them. ;)
I am not from NC, but I know your frustration. I will have to check to see if FL has a website like NC. With it being so dry here a cigarette butt can cause a huge danger in the form of brush fires and loss of homes.
Hi Any Wife,
I tried to view your blog but it wasn't viewable. No fair! :)
I did a quick google search for a litterbug reporting site for FL with no luck. Don't give up though!
I've been doing this for about 8-12 months. They will send you postcards if you want, but they're not stamped so I don't send them in.
I keep the postcards in my car. When I spot a litterbug, I use the card to collect all the information. When I get to work, I input it on the Swat-a-Litterbug site.
I think it's a good thing. If nothing else, maybe it's a heads-up to the litterbugs that someone is watching their behavior.
That's so awesome that you're doing that. I thought I was the only one ;) I really wish they had a system to email me back when they actually send out the letter to the offenders.
You go! They really are nasty and I'll keep a look-out and do the same thing.
But don't state prisoners & community service people need something to do?
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