Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Dream - Crippled Rockstar

In my dream last night, I was at my friend Scott’s house in the keys. He was living in his parents’ house still. They had wireless speakers (like a P.A. system) setup outside. He handed me this wireless mic and turned it on. I started saying stuff and it resounded throughout the neighborhood and woke everyone up. I then turned the mic off and sat down on the couch. I felt something crawling on my and pulled off two ticks. They had not sunk their jaws into me yet! (I’m sure the ticks were in my dream because after playing paintball in the woods two weeks ago, we found 17 on me.).

As I was outside getting rid of the ticks, I found a sort of growth like a bean sprout coming out of my right shoulder. I pulled about 10 of them out. They did not hurt or anything. It was just disturbing to find something out of my body! I also found a stainless steel brace attached to my arm with safety wire. I un-raveled the safety wire and removed the brace and then woke up.