I was skin diving off the coast of somewhere behind my dad’s boat as the rest of the family drift fished. I had seen many mahi mahi around the boat but nothing was taking the bait. All of a sudden a blue marlin surfaced and took on of the surface baits. My dad grabbed the pole that was used for pushing flats boats around the shallow waters in search of bonefish and tossed it at the marlin. He hit it in the head and paralyzed the huge fish. I swim up to it and pose for a picture with the fish in my arms.
Shortly thereafter, I put my mask back on and look under the boat. It is very close to hitting an artificial reef. The bottom of the reef consists of many OMC and Mercury boat propellers of varying sizes. On top of the props is rock and coral. This was all a base for a wooden hut structure above the water. A bunch of my friends were in the shade singing “Celebrate, Celebrate, Dance to the music” over and over again. I ended up on the wooden structure and picked up a plastic gallon zip lock bag of sugar which spilled out as I lifted it. I zipped it up and put the bag down. I looked around to see many other wooden hut structures on the water down the coast and then I wake up.
Yea chocolate!
Celebrate, Celebrate, dance to the muuuuuuusic!
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