Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Strawberry Fields Forever - Dream

I was downtown in some city talking to a couple that I knew about their Columbia House CDs. Q walks up and joins the conversation with a bunch of strawberries on a stalk like radishes. I tell my friends what Q and I do is get the free 20 CDs for the $5 plus shipping and then buy the rest of the CDs to fulfill our membership, and then we cancel our accounts. We then wait for C House to send a “we want you back card " and do it al over again. Q agrees this is the best way to load up on CDs.

While we are all standing there I reach out and snag a handful of strawberries from the bunch in Q's hand and start munching on them. I ask if they are organic and she says yes. They are very sweet and juicy.

All of a sudden she levitates and starts flying around a few feet off the ground. My friends don't think anything of it (like they've seen it all before) and go on their way. I can't believe my eyes that she is flying around carrying a stalk/bunch of strawberries in her hand.

She flies down the street and waves to one of her friends who is also flying. Q says “hey watch this" and clears a building at the end of the road. The building reminded me of the Lincoln Memorial building. He friend also flies over the building and then I wake up.


Stew said...

That is a great dream. I often dream about levitating. I can sort of swim myself around, too. It rocks.

p.s. strawberries are one of the things that really make sense to have be organic. Lotta pesticides on those suckers. Of course do I do that? Nope. I just go to the berry farm. :-)

Jeni Q said...

*Proof* that I'm as awesome as I think I am! Ha! I love it!

cmrpaul said...

lol! Fabulous dream!